The Succubus.

She had to learn a certain form of growing
Of learning to treat sex like it was nothing
To reduce the heart ache caused by men who she felt more for
But who wanted to do nothing more than consume
And that did nothing less than add to her allure
Her growth became a certain enticement
She was Delilah and she was Helen and she was Marilyn
Just another daughter of the goddess Aphrodite
Born to make men bow to her and suffer at their hands
Powerless to the reactions to her beauty and allure
Powerless to her own ingrained seduction
She became a living modern day succubus.

Her body became a cesspool of restless souls
Hoping to make a home for themselves within her
Treating her treasures with an entitled recklessness
Wrongful, erroneous, misplaced entitlement
Because the world had told them she was theirs to own
“I want you so you owe me your body and soul”
“I (think I ) love you so you are mine and mine alone”
And it birthed a hate deep within her bones
A hate she often felt in the recesses of her soul
A hate that became a kind of coldness
And soon that’s what she became known as; “Ice Queen”
But she had not always been so cold and distant.

Once upon a time she had been warm
She had glowed so hot and bright just like the sun
She had been the very definition of nourishing
Just like the sun helping sustain existence
Like the bellies of mothers swollen with life and hope
Like the milk that flowed forth from a mother’s bosom
And then she was abused and then she was used
and then she was broken
And she became a consumer
The student surpassing her masters
Consuming the souls of lovers
Sand to fill up the hole where hers once was
Heat to warm up her ice crater.

Many times she had thought she found her warmth again
When men whose love burned bright as the sun fell helplessly
But she was broken and her love was broken
And the shards cut her as deeply as they cut them
She realised as much as she could make them fall
She also had the power to make them sink
That she was the iceberg to their titanic hearts
And how could she help them swim
When she couldn’t even help herself
So she became satisfied with the float
Waiting for the day she would be dragged under
by the titanic emptiness of her heart.

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